Unleash The Archers

Frisbees Phantoma Disc Golf Disc #154766

Phantoma Disc Golf Disc See Larger Images and Variations
In Stock: Usually ships in 1-3 business days
$19.99 and up


Limited edition run of three MVP disc molds in various colours featuring artwork by Michael Ramanauskus depicting Phantoma punching Quora. Check out more of Michael's work here: https://doubleramdisc.com/

Disc options include:
* Trail: a 165-169g control driver in nuetron plastic (https://mvpdiscsports.com/discs/trail/)
* Watt: a 170-175g putter in nuetron platsic (https://mvpdiscsports.com/discs/watt/)
* Hex: a 176-179g nuetral mid-range in total eclipse (glow in the dark plastic) (rim and flight plate glow in different colors) (https://axiomdiscs.com/discs/hex/)


There are various colors of each type of disc. You will receive a random color.  

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